• SCO 109, 1st Floor, Sector 40-C, Chandigarh
  • Address SHOP NO. 6, 1, MC OFFICE ROAD, Ambala Cantt
  • vshhclinics@gmail.com
Speech Therapy Programmes Available

Speech Therapy Programmes

Sensory integration

Sensory integration is a fundamental process through which individuals receive, organize, and utilize information from their environment via various senses. This intricate system significantly influences daily activities such as eating, walking, dressing, and playing. Applicable to all ages, sensory integration holds particular importance in the development and behavior of children, impacting various aspects of their lives.

This approach benefits a wide range of individuals, including infants and toddlers at risk for developmental issues, premature infants, school-aged children facing sensory integration challenges, and those with conditions like autism, ADHD, cerebral palsy, or motor skill difficulties. Moreover, sensory integration proves beneficial for addressing concerns such as fear of movement, touch sensitivity, poor motor planning, and reduced awareness of body position in space.

Handwriting Program

Our Handwriting Program, meticulously crafted by occupational therapists, is tailored to address the unique needs of each child. We concentrate on foundational skills essential for writing—ensuring that children can confidently form letters, words, and sentences without encountering frustration or stress. Drawing on evidence-based research, our approach integrates multi-sensory methods to teach proper pencil grip and letter formation, fostering ease and confidence in the writing process. At Evolve Early Intervention, we employ a blend of techniques to yield optimal and swift results, all presented in a playful and engaging manner.

Designed for children aged 2 to 8 years, our program begins with a comprehensive screening and assessment. This thorough evaluation identifies underlying handwriting issues and other factors that may impact the child's writing abilities, laying the groundwork for a targeted and effective intervention.

  • Forming letters
  • Writing with enough pressure
  • Pre-writing skills (the lines and shapes one needs to learn in order to be able to write letters)
  • Keeping letters on the line
  • Spacing between letters and words
  • Making letters the correct size and shape
  • Letter reversals
  • Enjoyment of handwriting
  • visual attention improvement

Oral Placement Therapy (OPT)

OPT is a specialized form of speech therapy that enhances speech clarity by incorporating auditory, visual, and tactile stimulation to the mouth. It complements traditional methods, focusing on clients with placement and movement deficits. OPT addresses articulation awareness, placement, stability, and muscle memory, crucial for clear speech. It is versatile, benefiting clients of various ages and abilities, including those with feeding issues, drooling, and pronunciation difficulties. Applicable to diverse speech disorders, OPT is particularly useful when traditional methods fall short due to movement or placement disorders. Thorough assessment of the client's motor functioning precedes OPT implementation. As part of a comprehensive program, OPT activities take under 15 minutes, refocusing attention and concentration from a sensory processing perspective.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy focuses on the principles and techniques of learning theory to help increase or decrease certain behaviors. ABA therapy is a scientifically validated approach to understanding learning and behavior by looking at the function of the behavior and the environment in which it occurs.

Anything a person does is considered a behavior: talking, eating, coloring, tying shoes, etc… ABA Therapy looks at a particular behavior, studies the purpose behind a behavior to understand in what circumstances that behavior occurs, then uses various techniques to change the behavior, teach a new behavior, or a more functional way of doing that behavior.

Telepathy Services

Choosing between speech teletherapy and traditional in-person sessions is a personal decision, and we offer teletherapy for your convenience. There are several reasons to opt for speech teletherapy, including if you're too busy to commute for in-person sessions, as teletherapy saves time and eliminates the need for travel. If you're environmentally conscious, teletherapy reduces your carbon footprint and minimizes wear and tear on your vehicle. For individuals unable to make it to our clinic due to anxiety related to speech disorders or other reasons, teletherapy provides a more accessible option. It's also suitable for those facing challenges like a neurological condition, such as a stroke or traumatic brain injury, where traveling may not be ideal. Additionally, if you relocate, teletherapy allows for seamless continuation of sessions, which is particularly beneficial for children with autism spectrum disorder or for individuals living in underserved areas without local access to specialized treatments.

Transgender Voice Therapy

Transgender Voice Therapy, also known as voice feminization therapy or voice masculinization therapy, is a supportive option for individuals undergoing gender affirmation. Many people who are transitioning seek this form of speech therapy to align their voice with their gender identity, contributing to increased comfort and confidence. This patient process, requiring time and patience, can yield life-changing results. Gender-affirming voice therapy focuses on adapting speech to align with one's gender identity, offering options for voice feminization or voice masculinization based on individual goals. The benefits extend beyond personal comfort, boosting confidence and facilitating recognition in both personal and professional contexts. Importantly, this therapy can help avoid negative health effects associated with incongruent gender expression, such as vocal strain and tension headaches. Choosing an experienced and qualified speech pathologist is crucial for effective voice therapy, ensuring individuals receive guidance tailored to their goals while understanding the potential risks and benefits of the process.

Accent Modification Training

Accents make each of us unique, but sometimes an accent can be a roadblock to effective communication.

When a non-native speaker learns a new language, they may face challenges because each language has its unique speech sounds.

For example, someone born in America and learned to speak English as a first language will often sound different from someone born in India and who learned English later in life. Success in business, academics, and many other aspects of life require clear pronunciation. While variations in communication styles from different geographic locations are celebrated and embraced, they can sometimes lead to communication breakdowns. Achieving a new accent can be very rewarding, and it can be surprisingly easy for most people to learn with practice.

Accent modification goals often include:

  • Clarity of communication
  • Naturalness of speech
  • Reduce frustration
  • Increase confidenc

SPEECH Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease, a progressive movement disorder linked to dopamine loss, affects various bodily functions, including speech and swallowing. Speech and Language Therapists play a crucial role in assisting individuals with Parkinson’s by addressing the changes associated with the condition. With approximately 80 million people worldwide affected, and projections indicating a doubling of cases by 2040, there's a growing need for effective interventions. The Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) LOUD® and the Parkinson Voice Project are evidence-based exercise programs that help restore normal voice levels in individuals with Parkinson’s. Speech and Language Therapists also address swallowing issues, as the structures involved in speech and swallowing overlap. Additionally, they assist with cognitive changes, providing education and strategies for memory, attention, and problem-solving challenges. For individuals with Parkinson’s, compensation strategies, including Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices, can enhance communication. Finally, the emphasis on maintenance encourages early intervention, emphasizing the "use it or lose it" approach to preserve and strengthen speech, voice, swallowing, and cognitive functions, fostering a higher quality of life for individuals with Parkinson’s.

Speech Therapy for Aphasia

Aphasia is an impairment of language, affecting speaking and understanding language and/or the ability to read or write. Aphasia symptoms vary in degrees of severity, depending on factors such as the injury's location and the size of the damage to the brain. A person with aphasia may have difficulty finding words ("anomia"). Other signs and symptoms include putting words in the wrong order, requiring extra time to process spoken messages, having difficulty writing or copying letters or words, or having difficulty reading and understanding written material. According to the National Aphasia Association, the most common cause of aphasia is stroke (about 25-40% of stroke survivors acquire aphasia). It can also result from a head injury, brain tumor, or other neurological causes.

Speech Therapy for Dysarthria

Dysarthria is speech that is characteristically slurred, slow, and difficult to understand. A person with dysarthria may also have problems controlling the pitch, loudness, rhythm, and voice qualities of his or her speech because there is impairment with the mouth's muscle movements. Muscles can move too far, move in the wrong direction, move with too much or too little strength, move with poor timing, or not move to the target. The result is that speech can be challenging to understand, unnatural, and imprecise.

Dysarthria can be caused by stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Myasthenia Gravis (MG), Multiple Sclerosis, cancer, and other conditions.

Voice Therapy for Adults

Voice therapy is beneficial for individuals facing challenges such as vocal discomfort, pain, or undesired changes in voice quality, pitch, or loudness. Occupations like teaching, singing, law, sales, and fitness instruction, where voice strain is common, often find value in voice therapy. Various factors, including medical or surgical treatments, smoking, prolonged speaking, neurological conditions, vocal cord paralysis, and age-related changes, can contribute to voice issues.

If your ENT doctor has recommended voice therapy, Vedanta Speech and Hearing Healthcare encourages scheduling a session to address questions and begin a personalized program. Voice therapy involves learning to change voice habits and rediscovering one's natural, powerful voice for effective communication.

  • Hoarseness (Dysphonia):

  • Evaluation by an ENT doctor may lead to a recommendation for voice therapy.
  • Vedanta's program aims to reduce hoarseness and enhance various voice aspects, including effort, endurance, pitch range, and loudness.
  • Certified specialists in voice disorders guide individuals in changing voice habits for a natural and powerful voice.
  • Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD):

  • Often misdiagnosed as asthma, VCD involves vocal cords closing during breathing, obstructing airflow.
  • Symptoms include wheezing, coughing, throat tightness, hoarseness, and difficulty breathing.
  • Accurate diagnosis by an ENT doctor precedes targeted therapy to alleviate VCD symptoms.
  • Transgender Voice:

  • Vedanta Speech and Hearing Healthcare recognizes the unique needs of individuals undergoing gender-affirming voice therapy.
  • Tailored programs are designed to help individuals achieve voice feminization or voice masculinization, enhancing comfort in their gender identity.

Stuttering Therapy for Adults and Children

Stuttering, a challenge in producing a smooth speech flow, affects individuals of all ages, and its exact cause remains elusive. Research suggests a familial predisposition, and while normal disfluency during language development is common, persistent difficulties like repeating syllables or words for over two months may indicate a stuttering problem. Signs of a stuttering issue include repeating sounds, involuntary hesitations, avoidance of challenging words, and signs of struggle or anxiety during speech.

  • Therapeutic Focus:

  • Change communication patterns associated with stuttering
  • Target tension, struggle, and avoidance of stuttering moments
  • For Young Children:

  • Playful therapy approach
  • Engaging techniques with certified speech-language pathologists
  • Strong understanding of research on stuttering therapy for children
  • For Older Children and Adults:

  • Focus on improving fluency and reducing tension
  • Support in various settings such as school, work, and social situations
  • Address anxiety-inducing speaking scenarios
  • Therapy Goals:

  • Reduce physical tension
  • Unlearn struggling behaviors and associated secondary behaviors
  • Increase self-control
  • Enhance awareness of disfluent speech

Articulation Therapy

Articulation therapy, designed for individuals experiencing speech clarity challenges, adopts the "Traditional Articulation Hierarchy" encompassing seven structured levels. Beginning with sound isolation, clients are taught to produce specific sounds on their own, aided by verbal prompts, tactile cues, or props like lollipops or tongue depressors. Progressing to syllables, the therapy pairs consonants with vowels, forming targeted combinations. Real-word application follows at the word level, addressing initial, medial, and final word positions and transitioning from one-syllable to multi-syllable words. Sentence construction involves combining 1-2 words with a carrier phrase containing the target sound, gradually increasing complexity. Optional story creation, especially suitable for older children, integrates target sounds into written narratives. Conversation practice, the penultimate level, introduces spontaneous speech, albeit with expected initial regression. Finally, generalization ensures articulate speech across diverse settings, marking the therapy's successful culmination in building a sustained and correct sound production habit. This comprehensive approach serves to improve speech clarity and proficiency systematically, offering individuals a structured path to overcome articulation challenges.

  • Isolation:

  • Teach the client to produce the sound on its own.
  • Use verbal prompts, tactile cues, or props like lollipops or tongue depressors for reinforcement.
  • Syllables:

  • Pair the consonant with vowels to form syllables.
  • Target consonant + vowel or vowel + target consonant combinations.
  • Words:

  • Practice target sounds in real words.
  • Work through initial, medial, and final word positions.
  • Progress from one-syllable to two and three-syllable words.
  • Sentences:

  • Combine 1-2 words with a carrier phrase containing the target sound.
  • Gradually increase sentence length and complexity.
  • Stories:

  • Optional step for older children.
  • Have them write stories incorporating as many target sounds as possible.
  • Conversation:

  • Practice spontaneous speech in various settings.
  • Expect initial regression as the client builds a new habit of correct sound production.
  • Generalization:

  • The final step ensures clear and articulate speech across all areas.
  • Therapist may scale back to the conversation or sentence level if necessary.


Stuttering, a common fluency disorder, can pose challenges to effective communication and self-expression. However, it's important to recognize that help and support are readily available. Stuttering therapy is not just about overcoming speech hurdles; it's a journey towards empowerment, self-discovery, and enhanced communication skills. Our dedicated team of professionals is here to guide and support you every step of the way, utilizing evidence-based techniques to promote fluent and confident speech. Together, we can embark on a path of growth, resilience, and improved communication. If you're ready. We have individualized therapy for stuttering candidates who are preparing for any type of interview and oral exams .

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in Speech Therapy

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is a diverse set of methods aimed at assisting individuals with communication difficulties, ranging from non-verbal children to those with conditions such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, hearing loss, autism, and speech delay. Contrary to misconceptions, AAC is not a last resort; rather, it comprises tools and techniques that supplement or replace traditional speech. This may involve devices like tablets, computers, signing, or gesturing. AAC encompasses three main types of devices based on technology: no-tech, low-tech, and high-tech.

  • No-Tech:

  • Communication aids that require no technology.
  • Examples include sign language and gestures.
  • Low-Tech:

  • Simple devices not requiring electricity or batteries.
  • Includes picture boards, communication books, and magnets.
  • High-Tech:

  • Complex devices often requiring electricity or batteries.
  • Ranges from keypads with pictures to advanced computers with voice output.

When selecting an AAC device, several factors should be considered, including the individual's needs and preferences, the level of support required, the environment where the device will be used, and the user's level of difficulty. AAC devices offer numerous benefits, fostering independence, aiding expression of thoughts and emotions, enabling clearer communication, reducing frustration, and boosting self-esteem.

AAC devices can be tailored to various preferences and abilities, with options like picture boards, keypads, communication books, speech-generating devices (SGDs), and AAC apps. Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking notably used an AAC device operated by cheek movement. Individuals of all ages, with diverse needs and abilities, can benefit from AAC devices.

Speech therapy plays a pivotal role in AAC, providing training for effective device utilization. Speech therapists offer AAC consultation to educators and caregivers, ensuring seamless integration for individuals using AAC devices. AAC facilitates greater independence, expression, and clarity, making it a valuable option for those facing challenges in verbal communication.

Don’t wonder if you or your loved ones have hearing loss; find out for sure with a hearing test. Vedanta Speech and Hearing Healthcare is ready to help you or your loved one hear better. It all starts with an honest conversation about your hearing and a hearing test.